Jasper Dentist


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Preventing Cavities In Children: Advice From Jasper Pediatric Dentist

Parents need to help their children take care of their teeth from an early age so that they can have good dental health for the rest of their lives. Cavities are something people would prefer to avoid going through. It is not only a health menace but also uncomfortable to treat once it sets in, as it is common knowledge that you get to have tooth headaches.

The same can also be said about children. It also warns parents that if they fail to instill the correct oral hygiene practices in their young ones, they are likely to subject their children to some very uncomfortable dental procedures. It’s good to know the methods to prevent dental cavities in children to keep your child’s oral health in proper condition. Let’s see more about the same below and get expert tips from Jasper Pediatric Dentist.

What Is A Cavity?

Cavities, also known as dental caries, are generally a result of plaque build-up. The bacteria in this plaque cause the loss of the enamel of your child’s tooth. Enamel does not regenerate, and this creates a platform for dental caries. Bacteria develop cavities in an infected tooth. First of all, your kid will not experience any pain at all. However, as the infection starts spreading, your child will be in a lot of pain and might develop other oral health complications.

What are the Factors that Contribute to Cavities in Children?

1. Poor Oral Hygiene: The leading reason for cavities among children is the lack of proper dental hygiene. If this food and sugar are not washed off and cleaned by brushing and flossing between teeth, gum, and tongue, they mix up with bacteria in the mouth to form a hard coating called plaque. This sticky film of bacteria then secretes some acid that dissolves the protective coating of teeth, referred to as the enamel layer, causing cavities.

2. Sugary Diet: Natural sugars, including those from fruits, candies, juices, sodas, and many more, are often consumed all through the day by children. This sugar reacts with the bacteria in the mouth, resulting in the formation of acid that leads to the breaking down of the tooth enamel. This means that if these sugars remain on the teeth for long, they will likely cause damage.

3. Infrequent Dental Visits: It is required that children should see the pediatric dentist regularly for proper dental hygiene. During these visits, a dentist can detect any signs of forming cavities or any other dental complications and treat them before they become serious.

4. Genetics: Some kids are probably born to develop cavities because of factors such as thin enamel or reduced saliva production, which counteract acids in the mouth.

5. Oral Habits: Some of these habits may include sucking of the thumb, frequent use of pacifiers, bottles, and tongue thrusting that make the teeth shift or get misaligned. This makes gaps between the teeth where materials such as plaque and bacteria deposits cause cavities.

6. Medications: Some drugs, such as antibiotics and antihistamines, have the side effect of decreasing saliva flow in the mouth, which compromises the body’s ability to rinse food particles and bacteria.

Tips To Avoid Problems in Your Child’s Teeth

Take good care of your teeth from an early age
It is always recommended to begin practicing a proper oral care regimen early. Healthy baby teeth form the basis for healthy adult teeth. This way, your kids shall expect consistency in their oral care routines as you make these sessions fun. Play music whilst you brush and floss, or for that extra fun, play your kid’s favorite song during the process. This awareness will enable them to have perfect oral hygiene and have it checked early enough so that they do not develop cavities in the future.

Reduce The Intake Of Some Foods & Beverages
Your children must avoid sugary and sticky meals and beverages as much as possible. Such edibles are cookies, cake, candies, chips, sodas, juices, and even sports drinks. These items include sugars, starches, and acids. It dissolves the outer protective layer of your child’s teeth, the enamel. The bacteria that are responsible for the formation of cavities in the tooth feed on sugar and starchy foods that become attached to the teeth of your child. This makes the perfect home for cavity-causing bacteria; therefore, it should be suppressed. Ensure that your children wash their mouths with water if they take these foods.

Give Them More Water
An all-time companion is water. Kids must also take plenty of water per day. This will provide an additional line of protection, help in salivary gland secretion, and enhance the flow of saliva. Ensure that they take water and that it alone rinses out all the bacteria in their mouth. It will also deal with the sugars and acids that cling to your child’s teeth.

Opt For Fluoride Treatments
It is an element that keeps your child’s teeth from decaying and builds them up. Consult your pediatric dentist and opt to take your children for a fluoride treatment. They are used externally, and they are very efficient in preventing diseases from unfolding. Your dentist may suggest using fluoride rinses or varnish depending on the age of your child and his or her oral status.

Dental Sealants
There are several areas in your kid’s mouth that he cannot reach. That is when dental sealants are used to fill this gap. They are sealants that guard your child’s teeth against cavities for up to a decade.

Schedule Regular Dental Check-Ups
Visiting the dentist for checkups is important in ensuring proper dental health and avoiding the formation of dental cavities. Dentists can recognize potential symptoms of an emerging cavity and address the issue before it worsens.

Consider Fluoride Treatments
At times, pediatric dentists may prescribe fluorides for the child if he or she is susceptible to cavities. These include using a high-strength, paint-on fluoride gel or varnish over the teeth to build up strength and resist decay.

Show the Correct Procedure for Brushing the Teeth
Correct brushing and flossing are required to clean the teeth and remove food particles that cause the formation of cavities. It is important to spend some time and demonstrate proper brushing techniques to your child, that is, moving the brush around the teeth in a circular motion, not forgetting the tongue, and flossing every day.

Summing It Up

Nevertheless, if you follow these tips from Jasper Pediatric Dentist and keep your child’s teeth clean right from the beginning, the chances of developing cavities will be minimized. One should also set the tone for others to follow and take themselves for check-ups and cleaning with a pediatric dentist as often as required.